jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

I think the basic environment is unfavorable

I think the basic environment is unfavorable, is not likely to us to create a bubble to deal with a problem left behind after the bubble explode, the foam done. Today we see is very virtual, and the most important We have to come back, only through the reform. I just say the story is that the United States, Europe, Japan, the possibility of economic return is not a great many people in China would like to push up the virtual economy and the world in the economy next year, we were not to connect it? old movies re-released on the trip, but do not put up the old film, next year you will find the virtual economy and real economy more serious void.world go it alone in China forcing China to create their own prosperity, not the Americans Westerners interaction, interaction with you is not up there, people do not have money, you have to own anything about it. Indeed, many people in China, but China's problem is that people have no money. China's economic prosperity over the past 10 years and 98 years of economic The adjustment has a lot to .98 on the Government to do three things, the state-owned enterprise reform, to break the iron rice bowl, without reservation, to enhance competitiveness. The second thing is to join the WTO, the Chinese became the world's factory for the world the development of multinational enterprises to China, they are China's low-cost, China has been employed. Third, the public housing to tenants, nominally took some money.

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