jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

year the winter

year the winter, should the father of night shifts a day, for fear the recurrence of last year's national flag, his father prepared dinner early to go to school, this time, the village director came, brought 51 dollars, our whole family are some Zhangerhuoshang puzzled, the village director, said the village's five guarantees horse old man died, his flag to name of herve leger the old Red Army, returned after the liberation of the village, who has never been brought to my life experience, do not believe you can Kangxi as evidence under the medals. so many years I have not mentioned what the state requirements, only wish is to leave the flag covered dead, helpless to the town market to buy less than the national flag, just to see that night after the two children go to school not lock the door, so I hh I heard this thing, Sun was also punished by the withholding of wages for half herve leger dress a month, I I'm sorry he had private teachers, life can become very hard, please turn the 51 dollars for me to him.
a convicted Red Army: Ma old man
X years X months X days
Ma funeral day the old man went to the village people, the flag that a good surface washed bright as red as the principal face.
accident Eiko's father is missing herve leger bandage dress in a coal mine, not people live and dead not see dead bodies, only to find him the workers replaced the one before mining clothes and night of the incident really was to see him wearing the clothes into the mine. Since the night shift that night had gone, the British child would never see my father come back . Finally, as the mining accidents that families of the victims, the British child's mother received from the mine had a pension.

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