viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

Calvin Klein is a well-deserved for the America's most famous fashion designers

Calvin Klein is a well-deserved for the America's most famous fashion designers. its product range in addition to high-grade, high grade classic, the Klein is also the consumer who objects to the fashionable young people free sex advocates of perfume and jeans. 1 Founder: Guccio. Gucci 2 registration: Florence, Italy 3 Designers: 1923 -1989, the Guccio. Gucci in 1989 -1 992 Richard de. Lamberson, fashion design and creative director in 1990, -1,991, dawnmello Tang. christian louboutin Mello, American architect 1994, tomford Tom. Ford 1 founder : Christiandior Christian. Dior 2 of registration: France Paris 3 Designers: 1946 -1 957,christian louboutin shoes the Christian. Dior, in 1957 -1960, Yves.
Yves Saint Laurent, in 1960, -1,989, Mark. Bohan, 1989 -1 996 years, Gianfranco. Ferre, 1996, John. Gagliano in the year 1900's, Elizabeth Arden to New York and here the personal beauty services to provide more. Elizabeth Arden perfume While the development of slow, but like a good time for momentum to all seniors feel the pressure, such as items Sunflower, Green Tea, Red Gate so christian louboutin sale classic Hong gas, sweeping across the world, invincible. David. Davidoff is a legendary figure of the tobacco industry, in 1984, created in his own name the first fragrance, and then the perfume is a legendary. 1988 years, Davidoff has produced a men's fragrance CoolWater. condensed nature --- the most important element of water, fresh air and fragrant plants, known as the 1828 年 France as a young doctor and pharmacist Pierre-Francois-Pascal GUERLAIN Rue deRivoli in Paris opened his first store.

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