jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Do not be moving edge website, so this is not very controllable, need to explore.

Do not be moving edge website, so this is not very controllable, need to explore. .However, the immediate advantage under the mobile, there is reason also for 12530 The successful development of the authority is doing to create music portal concept. .mobile integration of internal and external resources to increase the authority of 12 530 .a site's success, in addition to create a killer application, there is a way to increase the authority of the nature.
If the positioning authoritative music portal, then, is the main rival portals like Sina music channels. Sina music Moncler portal proportion of the total flow is not large, but because the authority of the portal Sina. so users and advertisers operators are recognized. .12530 Website To achieve authority, must also do the same users and advertisers, the real recognition. light that the authority did not use their own mobile brand is very strong, but the mobile brand, and can not migrate to 12 530 on. long past, the cognitive users 12530 Web site still remain in the ring tones, not music portal. .it must be to enhance the authority of a separate 12 530 sites, the site to thrive, is to be independent, to their own hematopoietic system . While the mobile brand, but to the authority of transplantation, but the mobile's internal resources can be integrated over, to promote the site's authority.

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